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93 results
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K okamžitému stažení
11718 Kč
Anglicky Tisk
11718 Kč
PD CEN/TR 15281:2022
Potentially explosive atmospheres. Explosion prevention and protection. Guidance on inerting for the prevention of explosions
Potentially explosive atmospheres. Explosion prevention and protection. Guidance on inerting for the prevention of explosions
Vydáno: 2022-11-09
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K okamžitému stažení
8990 Kč
Anglicky Tisk
8990 Kč
PD CEN/TR 16829:2016
Fire and explosion prevention and protection for bucket elevators
Fire and explosion prevention and protection for bucket elevators
Vydáno: 2019-08-14
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K okamžitému stažení
8990 Kč
Anglicky Tisk
8990 Kč
PD CEN/TR 17838:2022
Use of plugs of bulk material in screw conveyors and product receivers for explosion isolation
Use of plugs of bulk material in screw conveyors and product receivers for explosion isolation
Vydáno: 2022-09-29
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K okamžitému stažení
6448 Kč
Anglicky Tisk
6448 Kč
PD CLC IEC/TS 60079-43:2021
Explosive atmospheres Equipment in adverse service conditions
Explosive atmospheres Equipment in adverse service conditions
Vydáno: 2021-05-06
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K okamžitému stažení
6448 Kč
Anglicky Tisk
6448 Kč
PD CLC/TR 50426:2004
Assessment of inadvertent initiation of bridge wire electro-explosive devices by radio-frequency radiation. Guide
Assessment of inadvertent initiation of bridge wire electro-explosive devices by radio-frequency radiation. Guide
Vydáno: 2005-03-10
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K okamžitému stažení
9734 Kč
Anglicky Tisk
9734 Kč
PD CLC/TR 50427:2004
Assessment of inadvertent ignition of flammable atmospheres by radio-frequency radiation. Guide
Assessment of inadvertent ignition of flammable atmospheres by radio-frequency radiation. Guide
Vydáno: 2006-04-04
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K okamžitému stažení
9734 Kč
Anglicky Tisk
9734 Kč
PD CLC/TR 60079-32-1:2018 - TC
Tracked Changes. Explosive atmospheres Electrostatic hazards, guidance
Tracked Changes. Explosive atmospheres Electrostatic hazards, guidance
Vydáno: 2019-08-07
Anglicky Zabezpečené PDF
K okamžitému stažení
12710 Kč
Anglicky Tisk
12710 Kč
Anglicky Zabezpečené PDF
K okamžitému stažení
9734 Kč
Anglicky Tisk
9734 Kč
93 Výsledky
První stranaPředchozí strana12345678